Executive Coaching
How does the executive coaching program work?
We start with what you want out of the engagement. This sounds simple, but if you have a compelling stretch goal, you may be able to give a firm statement about what your goal of the engagement is – but perhaps will struggle to articulately answer the next question: “What behavior changes will you and others be able to notice if this engagement is successful?”
This is to be expected. When we are truly moving into a new level of experience, we have a hard time concisely describing it – because we haven’t been there before. The beginnings of coaching help to clarify the vision – and how it travels beyond what you believe you should do, on into your deeper purpose and who you are.
The next step is for us to understand your current approach for moving yourself forward. An effective coach can help you see through the apparent situational complexities to your core beliefs and values – which show up in every situation. Part of the human experience is tightly holding on to strategies which have been so successful for us in the past. In coaching, we acknowledge those strategies as useful – but incomplete. By introducing compelling new strategies, coupled with a higher level of flexibility and nuance to your approach, situations which previously seemed intractable become fluid. Once we uncover a compelling nuance, we will often work with self-observations during this phase to give you a complete, refined picture.
Once you have a clear channel to a new set of information, we set about practicing our new approaches. Often these practices will be humbling in their combined simplicity and surprising difficulty. A new sense of power and freedom arises as you see how you previously limited both yourself and the path to new approaches – “He who can see the invisible can do the impossible.”
Finally, we set the foundations for sustained success. We prepare for higher levels of stress tempting us to repeat our tried-and-true behaviors. We build the clarity, the relationships, the environment and the personal practices which will sustain you toward embodiment of the qualities which seemed so abstract when we began, and you will have a new sense of power, calm, and clarity.
Success is defined by key behavioral changes which can be noticed by yourself and others; targeted intermediate results which will directly result from the key behavioral changes, and ultimately long term results which will result from consistent, effective execution. In addition, clients consistently report a much higher level of productivity and significantly lower level of stress.